Suyapa su Therapist

Hi! Hola! I am an English-Spanglish speaking therapist based in CA. I offer in-person sessions in San Diego and telehealth throughout CA, FL, & NV. I am a first generation Honduran Mexican American who grew up with two siblings that have different disabilities. What inspired me to get into the field was my personal experience growing up in a Latinx household with a sibling that has Intellectual Disability and another with mental health and substance use challenges. Through my own personal healing journey, I learned how to create boundaries with others, unlearn various traditional norms that were not serving me, identify ways to balance my personal and familial needs, and re-introduce my inner wisdom. I now have the honor to assist other adults with doing the same.

I utilize a collaboration and a holistic lens, viewing the mind-body-spirit connection as an important piece to understanding who you are as a whole person. I draw from several different lenses of practice, but all of them have a fundamental belief of placing importance on the therapeutic relationship: on connecting with you, creating a safe space for you, and for you to feel truly and deeply seen. Other lenses and elements I integrate often are Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR), Brainspotting, Solution Focused, and Psychoanalytical and Mindfulness practices.

I bring empathy and my authentic self to therapy. I work alongside you in helping identify the root of the issue and explore various ways to manage and heal. I serve not as an expert or someone with all the answers, but as a collaborative guide who values and deeply respects you and the wisdom you already possess. My cultural roots influence my therapeutic approach in which I believe it is important to take into consideration how our cultural backgrounds, upbringings, and social injustices affect our daily lives.